• Analizan señales de plantas para desarrollar dispositivos contra plagas y enfermedades – Imagen Agropecuaria

    by admin on 2023-03-16 17:19:38
    La obtención y la caracterización de las señales eléctricas que las plantas emiten al ser perturbadas por luz, presión, tacto, temperatura, humedad y contaminantes, entre otros estímulos, ayudarían a construir dispositivos que usen estos seres vivos como sensores de factores medioambientales
  • Comentarios

    by admin on 2023-03-16 17:19:38
    Una solución muy eficaz para que las plantas de interior crezcan más rápido, sanas y fuertes son las lámparas LED para el cultivo. Este tipo de iluminación proporciona el espectro completo que ayuda en los diferentes procesos, favoreciendo la germinación, el crecimiento y la floración de las
  • Esta casa de espacios abiertos luce una decoración natural en madera y tonos verdes

    by admin on 2023-03-16 17:18:39
    La dueña de este piso es una mujer joven que viaja constantemente, tanto por trabajo como por placer. Por eso, a la hora de crear su casa, buscaba un ambiente íntimo y relajante, un hogar en el que descansar y encontrar un refugio tranquilo al que llegar tras la jornada diaria. Confió para ello e
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-21 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • Types of Prefab Houses from HoMagic

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    A Prefab House is a type of prefabricated building that is shipped offsite and assembles on site. Often referred to as a "prefab", this type of building is designed to be fast, easy, and affordable. Prefabricated buildings are usually made in standard sections, allowing them to be shipped
  • Is a Steel Prefab House a Good Choice ?

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    If you're planning to build a new home, you may be wondering if a Steel Prefab House is a good choice. After all, they are more affordable to build than other types of homes, and they also offer beautiful living environments. Moreover, they can add value to your property.Steel is a high-performa
  • How to choose a plan for container homes

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    Modular HouseIf you've always wanted to own your own home, but were worried about the expense, consider building a modular house. These homes are designed to be built quickly and are more energy efficient than traditional homes. And unlike conventional homes, modular homes don't require exte
  • How to choose a plan for container homes

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    Modular HouseIf you've always wanted to own your own home, but were worried about the expense, consider building a modular house. These homes are designed to be built quickly and are more energy efficient than traditional homes. And unlike conventional homes, modular homes don't require exte
  • How to choose a plan for container homes

    by admin on 2022-10-20 00:00:00
    Modular HouseIf you've always wanted to own your own home, but were worried about the expense, consider building a modular house. These homes are designed to be built quickly and are more energy efficient than traditional homes. And unlike conventional homes, modular homes don't require exte